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Charlotte from Little Voyageurs

Travelling with a brood of little explorers is no small feat, but for Charlotte from Little Voyageurs, it’s a thrilling adventure that she wouldn’t trade for anything. In our recent interview, Charlotte shares insights into her family travel experiences, shedding light on the joys, challenges, and the real essence of exploring the world with young kids.

1.How many kids do you have and how old are they?

I have four kids aged 2, 5, 7, and 9.

2.When and where was the last time you traveled with them?

We traveled to Iceland over the Christmas break.

3.What was the experience like?

Out of this world. Absolutely surreal.

4.Where do you plan to go to next?

Peru for spring break, can’t wait!

5.What’s it like travelling with kids in general? Have you adapted anything on your trips to suit them?

Travelling with kids is thrilling. It is clearly my addiction. I believe that there is nothing more formative than travelling:exposure to other culture, food, lifestyle, routine…It helps kids learn to adapt, and enjoy different environments. I think that it is a real chance for them, and a very important quality to have for an adult life. But I won’t lie, it is also tiring, challenging and expensive! 

I adapt very little on my trips, especially not the choice of destination. I am a big believer that kids can go anywhere, it is our job as parents to prepare them, bring what they might need and most important of all…plan the trip right! Hard to do, but that is why I started my travel planning services, to help other parents organize their vacation. The secret is: not overplaying.

6.What are your kids’ favourite travelling snacks?

Great question: dried mangos, rice cakes (plain and chocolate covered), and mini pretzels (they can double as bread).

7.Do you have any activity essentials for your toddlers on flights/trip?

Stickers, lots of stickers, magnetic games of all sorts, and “Water wow” colouring books.

8.Do you prefer to travel by train, plane, or boat?

Boat, then train, than plane. 

9.What’s your ideal family vacation?

A vacation where everyone feels on the same boat, and is having a good time.

10.With young kids, do you prefer early morning flight or late night flights? Why?

Neither! Waking up extremely early is really hard for me, and late night flights are hard since my kids are not good sleepers on planes. I would still pick the later.

Little Voyageurs Family Travel Photos 2

11.Any travel tips you swear by?

Don’t worry about bothering other people!

12.Travel gadgets or essential you recommend?

Luni story box, UNO cards, notebooks, crayons, and stickers!

13.Do you have basics you always put in your medicine kit?

I usually pack painkillers, upset stomach tablets, bandages, and antiseptic lotion in my medicine kit,

As we dive into the stories of Little Voyageurs, it’s easy to see that family travel, with all its twists and turns, is a collection of memories waiting to happen. Charlotte’s insights act like a friendly guide for parents navigating the exciting, sometimes unpredictable adventure of exploring the world with their little ones. Stick around for more personal tales and handy tips on our blog, where the joy of adventure meets the coziness of family life.

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About Charlotte From Little Voyageurs

As a seasoned journalist with a rich background in contributing to various French media outlets, Charlotte brings a unique perspective to the world of family travel. Before the inception of Little Voyageurs, Charlotte embarked on a journalistic journey through the Middle East, contributing her insights to several French media platforms. Her passion for exploration found expression in the form of two travel guides on Iran and Syria, crafted for a renowned French guidebook publisher.With a deep understanding of what makes a destination truly special for families, Charlotte founded Little Voyageurs – a spot with a soul, authentically stylish, and undeniably kid and parent-friendly.

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