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Sophie on her travels with her baby

We recently had the pleasure of interviewing Sophie from Sophie Family Travel, a remarkable individual who embarked on a journey of exploration with her husband and two young children. Sophie’s passion for travel and her determination to share her experiences with other parents on her Instagram Sophie Family Travel have inspired many. In this interview, we delved into the joys and challenges of travelling with young kids, as well as gathered some valuable insights and tips. Let’s dive into our conversation with Sophie and discover her incredible adventures!

1. How many kids do you have and how old are they?

I have a 2 year old boy and a 3 month old baby girl! 

2. When and where was the last time you travelled with them?

We are currently in the Seychelles!

3. What was that experience like?

So far it has been amazing! I think the Seychelles are heaven on earth!

3. Where do you plan to go to next?

Greek islands! 

4. What’s it like travelling with kids in general? Have you adapted anything on your trips to suit them?

We’ve definitely stopped running around and ticking off “things to do”. We have a slower pace and travel for longer so that we can actually enjoy it while taking it slow!

5. What are you kids favourite travelling snacks?

Bread sticks!

6. Do you have any activity essentials for your toddlers on flights/trip?

Interactive toys keep our toddler busy the longest! Anything that makes noise or plays music.

7. Do you prefer to travel by train, plane or boat?

I love travelling by train but we’re on a plane every month! 

Sophie Family Travel Adventures

8. What’s your ideal family vacation?

A warm destination with beautiful beaches and good food!

9. With young kids, do you prefer early morning flight or late night flights? Why?

Can I pick afternoon flights? 😂 if it’s long haul I prefer flying during the day so that my babies can nap here and there and spend the rest of the time playing. If it’s short haul then we always fly during nap time!

10. Any travel tips you swear by?

Dress babies in comfortable clothes, have milk on you, have lots of energy so you can entertain them! 

11. Travel gadgets or essential you recommend?

Get the bassinet seats when flying long haul. Don’t carry too much on board so your hands are free to carry sleeping babies if needed!

12. Do you have basics you always put in your medicine kit?


Shop This Trip


  • Seychelles
  • Greek Islands


  • Baby bassinet
  • Interactive music toys
Shop this trip Sophie Travel Family

Thank you Sophie for taking the time to share your travel adventures with us. Sophie’s commitment to documenting her travels and offering support to fellow adventurers is truly commendable. We encourage you to follow Sophie Family Travel on Instagram to stay updated on her adventures and gain inspiration for your own family travels. Once again, thank you, Sophie, for sharing your insights and inspiring us all to embrace the joys of travel with our loved ones.

About Sophie

Sophie is a mum of two, and she is travelling the world with her husband and babies.They have been exploring new countries since their first baby was born and her goal is to help other parents do the same by posting about travel tips and destinations on Instagram. Make sure to give her a follow on her Instagram Sophie Family Travel.​

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